12month10日,In order to learn and carry forward the glorious revolutionary tradition and patriotic spirit of the "December 9th" movement,Enhancing the sense of historical mission and social responsibility among youth members,Bachelor of Law School2019Level 1 Law School Youth League branch carried out a League Day activity with the theme of “Promoting Patriotism and Establishing Youthful Ambition”。
This event is mainly divided into three parts。Part 1,Wen Jiazhu, secretary of bet365 casino live blackjackThe Youth League branch, led all branch members to conduct a historical review,2020The year is“一二·Nine”The 85th anniversary of the Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movement,“一二·Nine”The movement is a large-scale student patriotic movement led by the Communist Party of China,It is a movement that mobilizes the entire nation,has great historical significance。Part 2,Group watching the "National Treasure Archives" "Eternal Memory - Like-minded Youth" bet365 best casino gamesCCTV documentary,Documentary shows the aftermath of the May 4th Movement,The ignited passion of the Chinese people in their anti-imperialist and patriotic struggle,Youth progressive associations have been established across China,Seeking the truth that saves the country and the people。Zhou Enlai in the documentary、The presentation of young heroes such as Deng Yingchao amazed the students。Part 3,Liang Shuang and three other students shared their feelings after watching the documentary,They all expressed that they felt the historical mission and responsibility of the youth league members。
This themed League Day activity enables members of the League branch to clarify their ideals and beliefs,In youth,Work hard,United as one,Carry forward the spirit of patriotism,Let the "12.9" spirit develop and pass on in the new era。
Text/Liang Shuang Wen Haozhu
Picture/Wang Huihan
Review/Jing Shaopeng