In order to further develop Bet365 lotto review members,Effectively strengthen the team building of Bet365 lotto review activists,In accordance with the opinions of the Undergraduate Bet365 lotto review Branch of Bet365 University on further improving the work of recommending Bet365 lotto review activists,The Youth League branch of Bet365 app downloadthe third class of 2021 Law School at the Law School held a meeting to recommend candidates for joining the Bet365 lotto review on September 19, 2022。This conference was hosted by Chen Xinyuan, Secretary of the Communist Youth League,Counselor Fu Cong attended the meeting。In view of the current epidemic situation,The conference will be held online。
The first item of the meeting is to read out the recommendation process and rules。Chen Xinyuan will introduce to you the process of this recommendation conference based on the spirit of relevant documents、Voting Rules、Contents such as vote counters and scrutineers。The second item of the meeting is for applicants to join the Bet365 lotto review to speak。By meeting relevant conditions,and submitted an application to the Youth League branch Bet365to participate in the recommendation of candidates who will take the stage to speak in order,Accept supervision from all members。The third item of the meeting is democratic review。All members make comments based on the actual situation of the candidates,Approval for recommending him to become a Bet365 lotto review activist、Secret vote to oppose or abstain。The voting results will eventually be reported to the college youth league committee and Bet365 lotto review branch。
This meeting is a very important part of the branch’s political life,Reflects the due process、Process disclosure、The spirit of transparent results,It shows that our branch is a team with excellent quality、Organize a united team。