Intellectual Property Bet365 Poker Institute
Lu Yue
Author:Release time: 2024-10-08Reading volume:

Lu Yue Assistant Researcher

Personal introduction:

Lu Yue,Assistant Researcher,Doctor of Laws,from Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region。

Education background:

2019.10-2024.06 Doctor of Laws, The University of Leeds, UK

(State-sponsored postgraduate program for the construction of high-level universities in China, cooperative scholarship between China Scholarship Council and the University of Leeds)

2016.9-2019.6 Master of Laws, International Bet365 Poker, Nankai University

2012.9-2016.6 Bachelor of Laws, Nankai University Bet365 Poker

Research field:

Intellectual Property Bet365 Poker, Media Bet365 Poker, Information Technology Bet365 Poker

Representative results:

1.Yue Lu, 'To Be, or Not to Be? Copyright General Monitoring Dilemma of Online Hosting Audio-visual Platforms in China' (2024)27 (2)The Journal of World Intellectual Property (J.W.I.P.) 199.

2.Yue Lu, 'The Making Available to the Public of Short Extracts of Audiovisual Work in China:JYS Media v Xiaoming' (2024) 46 (2) European Intellectual Property Review (E.I.P.R.) 124.

3.Yue Lu, 'Tackling China's Chaotic Regulation of Special Hyperlinking: Learn from the EU's Practice' (2023) 45 (9) European Intellectual Property Review (E.I.P.R.) 511.

Previous article:Liu Jianchen

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