To solemnly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Bet365 lotto review of China,Revisit the glorious history of the Bet365 lotto review,Praise the Bet365 lotto review’s great achievements,Inherit and carry forward the Bet365 lotto review’s fine revolutionary Best slot on Bet365tradition,Fully demonstrates the deep feelings of contemporary college students who love the Bet365 lotto review, country and socialism,Evening of March 23rd,The Law School held a speech contest on the theme of "Youth's Heart to the Bet365 lotto review" in E202, East Building, Chun Sing Court。Qu Yi, deputy secretary Bet365 lotto review Youth League Committee Bet365 lotto review Law School、Fu Cong, counselor Bet365 lotto review Law School, came to comment,Undergraduate student Yang Kangning served as the host Bet365 lotto review event。
The topic of this speech is"Youth is committed to the Party",In competition,Contestants focus on party history、History of New China、The history of reform and opening up and the advanced deeds of outstanding bet365 Play online gamesCommunist Party members,Full expression of support for the Party、To the motherland、Love for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Content up,Full mood。Undergraduate student Li Dandan tells a touching story about a veteran who participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,The elderly are suffering from diseases,But his firm belief in communism could never be erased,Thinking-provoking;Graduate student Wang Hui reviewed the glorious life of Premier Zhou Enlai as a communist who was deeply loved by the Chinese people,That is our party’s original intention、Keep in mind the vivid epitome of mission history,Looking Bet365 lotto reviewto the future again,Show your determination to fight and contribute to the cause of socialism,It’s exciting;Graduate student Zhang Yifan starts from his own teaching experience deep in the mountains,Extends to countless Communists who have taken root in remote areas and led people out of poverty and become rich,Turns his attention back to Shandong University,Thanks to the sages of past generations who contributed to the prosperity and progress of the country,Point out the self-responsibility of Shan University students;Undergraduate Yu Guangyu starts from the century-old party history,Tandem Xia Minghan、Zhang Zaijun、The stories of Huang Wenxiu Bet365and other generations of Communists,Shows the glory of the party for a century。
The judges gave comments and suggestions to the contestants。The wonderful performance Bet365 lotto review players reflects the positive spirit Bet365 lotto review youth in the new era,Shows the vitality and youthful vitality of law school students。