To further strengthen Bet365 lotto review construction,Increase Bet365 lotto review vitality,Enrich students’ campus cultural life,Better serve students to grow and become talents,The college plans to carry out the "My Bet365 lotto review My Home" 2022 fall semester Bet365 lotto review brand activity application,The relevant matters are now notified as follows:
Bet365 lotto review
All undergraduate classes Bet365 app downloadin the college can apply.
2. Application requirements
1.Carry out relevant activities as a Bet365 lotto review unit,Encourage all members to participate;
2.Activity content can focus on ideological and political construction、Study style construction、Organization Building、Cultural Construction、Career Development、Volunteer for public welfare、Innovation and Entrepreneurship, etc.,No limit to the form;
3. The Bet365 lotto review have certain characteristics and are highly maneuverable.
3. Development time
The development time is from November 2022 to early December 2022。
4. Implementation process
1.Declaration for project approval。Classes need to fill in the "Law Bet365 lotto review Activities Project Application Form" and "Law Bet365 lotto review Activities Project Application Summary Form",And name the file in Bet365 sportsbook reviewthe form of "class name-person in charge name-person in charge contact information",Send to before November。
2.College review。The college conducts preliminary review of application materials,Organize exchange meeting,Guidance on the project,Determine key projects (subsidy amount 1,000 yuan) and ordinary projects (subsidy amount 500 yuan) and make them public。
3.Project development。The Bet365 lotto review revolves around the activity theme,Implement relevant activities。
4.Mid-term advancement。The college organizes counselors to inspect the Bet365 lotto review,Ensure activity progress。
5.Summary and conclusion。The Bet365 lotto review concludes the project,And compile the project results materials。The college will organize a project completion review,Determine the project completion level and announce it。
6.Funding reimbursement。According to the final result,Proceed for expense reimbursement。
5. Activity requirements
1.Combining social development and the actual needs of college students’ growth,Carefully designed event content,Actively innovate activity forms,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of classmates,Making Bet365 lotto review to a high level、Build a brand。
2.Pay attention to personal safety,Strictly implement normalized epidemic prevention and control measures。
3.The writing should be done well in the process、Picture、Collection and organization of image data, etc.,Actively to the Academy Platform、School Platform、Other official platforms and other publicity submissions,And regularly organize the results of Bet365 lotto review activities。
4.Practice frugality,Focus on effectiveness,Expenses incurred during the activity must be kept with vouchers,for later reimbursement。
School of Law Student Affairs Office
October 29, 2022