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Comparative Law – Comparative method
2. Lecture Guests
Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi,Professor of Law at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands,Currently at the Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG)Board member、Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of European Comparative Law and Governance、Member of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,2010-2016Served as the Groningen Center for Law and Governance (GCL) Academic Director,2007-2009Served as a senior researcher at the Law School of the University of Bremen, Germany、Senior Lecturer in Comparative Law, Hans Law School Bremen、European Center for Law and Politics (ZERP) Researcher.
Colombi CiacchiProfessor on European Law、Comparative method、The horizontal Bet365 lotto reviewimpact of basic rights、In-depth research in European obligations law and other fields,Leaded multiple international research projects,And published many books:Immoral Contracts in Europe(2019), Governance Meets Law: Relationships between Private-Public Governance and the Law in Europe and Beyond(2019), Contents and effects of contracts – Lessons to Learn from the Common European Sales Law(2016), Public Policy, Good Morals and Social Justice in European Private Law, European Review of Private Law(2014) etc.
3. LectureArrangement
Conducted in the form of online class, passedZoomSoftware teaching.
四、Lecture content
Total total of this lecture16Class hours, relevant content will be taught according to the course syllabus.
五, Lecture Language
6. Registration email
In order to better arrange teaching,Undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in participating please send messages, format: name+Professional.