According to the relevant recruitment conditions and requirements of the "2022 bet365 Bet365 lotto review non-enterprise staff recruitment announcement",The recruitment working group reviewed the qualifications of the applicants,The list of candidates Bet365for the written examination will now be announced and relevant matters will be notified as follows。
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See attachment 1 for the specific list.
2. Arrangement of Bet365 lotto review work
Due to the impact of epidemic prevention and control policies,This recruitment written test will be conducted remotely through the Internet。Those taking the written test please prepare in advance according to Appendix 2 "Instructions for Candidates of Online Remote Written Test for Recruitment of Non-Public Establishment Positions in 2022 by bet365 Bet365 lotto review"。
Time: December 3, 2022 14:30-16:30。
Exam content: Mainly tests the job skills of candidates。No bibliography specified。
3. Relevant instructions
1.The college will organize bet365 best casino gamesa remote online Bet365 lotto review simulation test at 14:30 on December 2nd。Please check the Bet365 lotto review notice and test meeting number through the email address provided in your registration form。
2.Bet365 lotto review meeting number will be sent in advance to the email address provided in the registration form。Please check your email in time。
Inquiry phone number: 0532-58630501
Consultation email:
1. List of candidates for Bet365 lotto review for non-enterprise establishment management positions
2. bet365 app2022 Recruitment for Non-Public Establishment Positions Online Remote Bet365 lotto review Instructions for Candidates
Shandong University Law School
November 25, 2022