The beginning of the new semester,Law school teacher Gong Heji and Bet365 sportsbook reviewhis caring enterprise "Qingdao Huayu Yijia Culture Communication Co., Ltd.",Donate 8,000 n95 masks to the college,Helping the start of the new semester。
Since the outbreak,Teachers and students of the Bet365 bear in mind the feelings of family and country,Shows the style of a legal scholar with both German and French skills。As early asFirst half of 2020The most severe moment of the epidemic,Jointly issued by all party branches of Bet365 graduate students 《“United as One, Overcoming Difficulties Together”——Law School Graduate Student’s Spontaneous Fundraising Proposal to Aid Hubei》,Calling all graduate students in the Bet365 to take action,Supporting epidemic prevention and control。Love model 54187.06 yuan was donated immediately to Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, which is on the front line of fighting the epidemic,Used to purchase masks、Protective clothing、Goggles and other protective equipment。March 2020,In the case of special shortage of epidemic prevention materials,Teacher Shi Ying donated 500 medical masks to the Bet365。October 2020,2020 master’s student Shang Chixiang,Donated 3,500 masks to the Bet365。himrepresentation,I saw news reports that many young people younger than me are not afraid of hardship,Not afraid of being tired,Fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control,deeply moved,I came up with the idea of contributing to the Bet365’s epidemic prevention and control work,So I purchased it3500 masks were donated to the Bet365.
December 2020,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University、Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital sends commemorative plaques for fighting against the new coronavirus epidemic to our graduate students,Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital sent a special thank-you letter,To Bet365 students and the people of Hubei during the epidemic to help each other、Congratulations and thanks for overcoming the difficulties together。
The beginning of the new semester,The School of Law will continue to pay close attention to the physical and mental health of teachers and students,Strictly abide by the "Interim Regulations on the Management of Various Personnel under the Normalized Prevention and Control of the New Coronavirus Epidemic of Shandong University",Traveling between teachers and students、Entering Bet365and exiting the school gate、Key prevention and control areas such as cadre training,Careful deployment,Strict control。
As the thank-you letter from Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University says: There is no winter that is insurmountable,No epidemic is invincible;Difficulties will only make us more united,Challenges will only make us stronger。We will definitely win this battle to prevent and control the epidemic!
Text/Yang Xiaochao
Audit/Dong Xuemei