June 22-23, 2014,Professor Zhang Yanzhang of our bet365 casino live blackjack was invited to attend“Sustainable Development and bet365 casino live blackjack of the Sea Seminar”,This conference was jointly organized by the Marine bet365 casino live blackjack and Governance Research Center of Zhejiang University Guanghua bet365 casino live blackjack School and the Korea Marine and Fisheries Development Institute,Participating scholars are from the UK、United States、Canada、Portugal、South Korea、Vietnam、Malaysia、Indonesia、Taiwan Region,And well-known domestic universities including Shandong University、Wuhan University、Sun Yat-sen University、Shanghai Jiaotong University, etc.。
Professor Zhang said“MarineRenewableEnergy—WhatIssuesaLawyerShouldPossiblyThinkof?bet365 casino live blackjack"Speech in English,Professor Zhang believes that although there is currently no international convention specifically regulating the development and management of marine renewable energy,1982The United Nations Convention on the bet365 casino live blackjack of the Sea has in fact provided a legal governance structure,Enough to adjust the internal water、Territorial waters、Development and utilization of marine renewable energy within the exclusive economic zone and the high seas,The focus is on the need to harmonize with the conventions under the framework of the International Maritime Organization,To ensure the safety of navigation and marine renewable energy facilities。Professor Zhang’s speech and paper were well received by all maritime bet365 casino live blackjack experts in the room,The paper he submitted has been published by the international authoritative SSCI journal JournalofWorldEnergyLawandBusiness accepted and will publish by the end of this year.