To strengthen Bet365 safety and health management,Create a warm and harmonious Bet365 cultural environment,On May 17, the Law School held a Bet365 safety and health inspection and "Ya She" excellent Bet365 evaluation event。Song Jibin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Law School、All counselors and student representatives participated in the evaluation activity。
Under dormitory safety and health inspection,The teacher-student review focuses on the two aspects of dormitory safety and hygiene,Carried out detailed inspection。Dormitory hygiene,Focus on whether the floors in each dormitory are clean and tidy、No clutter、Trash cleaned up in time;Bet365 Online Live Dealerdormitory safety,Mainly checked whether illegal electrical appliances are used or stored in the dormitory、Open flame appliances and other dangerous items,And whether to turn off the power in time when leaving the dormitory。Most dormitories are in good condition,For dormitories with individual problems,The inspector also made suggestions for improvements。
In the "Ya She" selection event,The participating dormitories each have their own characteristics。Students may use natural elements as inspiration,Highlight freshness and nature;Or based on traditional culture,Show unique charm;Or use art decoration as the highlight,Showcase your creative talents。Bet365 members work together,Make it a place to express your personality。