2008Year9month21-22日,bet365 live online casinoThe 7th East Asian Legal Philosophy Conference and Jurisprudence Research Society of China Law Society2008The annual meeting was held in Changchun City, Jilin Province,This conference is hosted by the Jurisprudence Research Society of the China Law Society、Organized by Jilin University Theoretical Legal Research Center and Jilin University Law School,Participating scholars are from Japan、South Korea、Hong Kong, China、Total experts and scholars in legal philosophy and jurisprudence from Taiwan and Mainland China260Yu Ren.
The discussion of this conference focuses on "Modern Interpretation of East Asian Traditions in the Era of Globalization"、"Legal development and legal pluralism in the era of globalization"、The theme expansion of "Integration of East Asian Law in the Era of Globalization",Also on the legal tradition and modern rule of law in East Asia、Theoretical Reflections on East Asia’s Rule of Law Experience、Human rights theory and practice in the context of globalization、China’s legal pluralism and legal development、General theory of harmonious society bet365 Play online gamesand rule of law、Comparison of experiences in legal reform and development、Common laws and policies in East Asia、Democracy、The rule of law and the construction of a harmonious society、Reflections and new interpretations of the rule of law theory、New topics and new progress in legal philosophy research、Legal language and legal methods、Legal culture and rule of law construction、Constitutionalism、In-depth and full discussions were conducted on issues such as republic and harmonious society,The atmosphere of the meeting was friendly and warm,A complete success。
Dean Qi Yanping was invited to attend the conference,Responsible for the organization and coordination of the conference,And chaired the discussion on "Human Rights Theory and Practice in the Context of Globalization"。During the meeting,Dean Qi Yanping also exchanged views on inter-faculty cooperation with the heads of law schools from universities in East Asian countries and regions。Professor Fan Jinxue, Vice President of our college, attended the conference and delivered a speech。Before this meeting,Dean Qi Yanping also participated9month19-20The Ministry of Education’s Legal Subject Teaching Steering Committee and Legal Education Research Conference held on 16469_164952008Annual Meeting,And represented our school in the establishment of Jilin University Law School60Anniversary celebration.